The Social Wellness Hub

Addressing interpersonal relationships between peers, family, friends, and with oneself

Strained Friendships

More than 80% of students struggled making and maintaining friendships

On-campus vs Virtual Experience

Most students believed being on campus improved their social wellness, despite most academic instruction being virtual

Worsened Wellness Overall

A significant portion of students attribute virtual learning to a loss in free time and overall social wellbeing

About the Wellness Hub

The Wellness Hub is a platform dedicated to provide all Penn undergraduate students information about academic, social, and physical wellness of their peers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Hub considers a variety of metrics such as time spent on learning class material, ability to retain/foster friendships, and the impact of virtual learning on good physical well being. Our extensive coverage of data summarizes the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and the Penn undergraduate community, showing areas of strength and improvement in student wellness.

Contribute to wellness at Penn!

Just a few minutes of your time could make all the difference for your peers!

From SEAS Wellness Research & Analytics – Spring 2021. Led by Vaishnavi Pachava and developed with Craig Lee, Eli Prem, Nicole Chau, and Anthony Bell.